What is it / how does it work
Dermaplaning is a simple and safe procedure for exfoliating the epidermis and ridding the skin of fine vellus hair (peach fuzz). It has been used for many years and has recently become
popular as a celebrity must-have treatment.
What can it treat
Dermaplaning is most often used on patients with rough, dry skin, mild acne scarring, or fine lines and wrinkles. It is also the first choice for patients who have excess vellus hair on the skin. This hair often causes a build up of dirt and oils in the follicles, so removing the hair gives the patient healthier looking skin. Removing epidermal skin also allows products to penetrate more readily into the deeper layers. It also may be used by an aesthetician to prepare the skin for superficial chemical peels or before a cleansing facial. This is a great treatment to offer to patients who are pregnant or nursing who want a deep exfoliation but are not allowed to use peeling agents on their skin.
How is it performed
Because dermaplaning is a quick procedure with few to no adverse effects, it has quickly gained popularity among cosmetic medical providers across the world. Using a scalpel and a delicate touch, the technician simply abrades the surface of the skin using light feathering strokes.
There is no ‘downtime’ as such although the skin may appear slightly pinker following treatment and more ‘vulnerable’ to the environment and UV rays. The use of serums, moisturisers, and an SPF is highly recommended in the first few days following treatment
When can I see results
The treatment results in a more refined, smooth, “glowing” appearance within hours. This treatment can be used in conjunction with Chemical Peels and masks for an even deeper, more effective result.
Brand used: Skin Geek